Are we truly ready for innovative ways of restructuring our economy? Do we have confidence in the American people
to encourage and advance such innovations? Do we have the fortitude to look to our core principles, regardless of the
pressures from special interest groups and SOS (Same-Old-Stuff) thinking?

First, certain trends need to be acknowledged: 1) The credit card has become an important factor in money flows (ie
money supplies), 2) Credit card issuers have used the credit card tool to generate profits - the primary objective, 3)
Credit Card issuers have become concentrated mega monopolies - Visa, MasterCard, American Express 4) Regulation of
this vital component in the financial markets is absent 5) The pool of retirees, Americans over the age of 65, is
increasing, 6) The importance of a post-high school education continues to gain value.

Create a not-for-profit 'credit card' which provides a purchasing tool for Americans as it does now, and finances retiree
pensions at a rate greater than cost of living (eg 5% which also exceeds CDs yet is far less than current 18%+ usury
rates). The 'card' would also serve as an investment credit for college tuition, meaning students would get free tuition
in lieu of a percent of their future earnings going back into the fund. Prospective employers would receive an
investment tax bonus for hiring 'card holders'. As the students' incomes increased, so would their contribution to the

Initially, this program would act as a prototype. If the program proves successful, it will replace FICA and the Social
Security system as it is structured today (noting the need to restructure other benefit programs that are part of the
Social Security system, ie other than retiree pensions).

This is one of the current on-going projects of BaseCamp Solstice.