The talk about the present economic crisis continues to intensify. And while i have addressed a more visionary long
term approach in the Invest in America proposal, an additional stimulus for immediate implementation needs to be

To reiterate a point from the Invest in America program - It is time the leadership started to trust and respect the
people as the people once trusted and respected the leadership.

I say 90% of an economic downturn is psychological. 90% of the people are working (or wanting to work) just as hard
as they ever did. And yet one morning they woke up to find their money was gone, their accumulated value was
obliterated, their credit-ability restricted. And all they did was get out of bed, ready for another day's work. (The story
for retirees is eerily similar.)

So does our government truly believe that the people are the country? And in whom does it have allegiances? The
hard-working people? Or the greed-motivated titans?

I say if we 'trust' the banks enough to loan them inter-bank money at 0%, we can trust the people to receive similar
beneficial rates.

Allow all current mortgage holders 3 months to refinance their mortgage to 1%. (That is still 100 basis points over the
inter-bank rates.) This only applies to a person's primary home up to a mortgage loan of $250,000.

For a $100,000 mortgage this would provide a homeowner savings of nearly $350/month. My guess is that a
substantial portion of that savings will go into immediate expenditure. (Ideally, i would encourage a large portion of it
to be placed into the selected Invest in America funds, mentioned in another proposal.) In addition, the reduced
interest expense will increase government tax revenues without any formal tax code adjustments.

In addition to mortgages, this 1% rate would be offered to refinance small business loans (maximum $250,000) for local
businesses which have fewer than 100 employees. A program for renters, perhaps one tied to energy conservation,
needs to be considered as well, but as a separate program.

Do we not say the heart of America's work force is its small businesses and entrepreneurs? Or is that just rhetoric?
This is an opportunity to stand behind our words with actions.