What to do with $700 billion (and probably much more)???

The economic crisis before us is like no other. Not since the 1920s and 30s has the US undergone such financial
collapses. In some regards it is worse, given that so many more people have a much better standard of living and
consequently much farther to fall. Nonetheless this is the 21st century with an incredible amount of experiences,
resources and ingenuity available to us. I recommend we challenge ourselves beyond the 19th and 20th century
thinking of tax cuts, rebates/refunds, or mega-major public works.

The Invest in America program looks at government as a mere tool to create a platform and a solid foundation on
which the ideas already apparent in the people can flourish. It challenges the leadership to begin to trust and respect
the people as the people have perhaps too often trusted and respected the leadership. It recognizes that it is time
American ingenuity entered the realm of policy-making. The program is somewhat of a 21st Century Savings Bond /
War Bond program. However, it recognizes that each citizen is the real asset, the real investment, the real owner.
Invest in America goes beyond Same-Old-Stuff thinking with some of the objectives being:

+ Promotes Self governance / personal responsibility
+ Encourages long term planning
+ Builds respect through participatory ownership
+ States in simple to understand language
+ Moves economy to a locally controlled micro network (vs centrally controlled mega groups)
+ Utilizes the phenomenal technological resources available to us
+ Creates a flexible platform for elaborate, even complex innovations
+ Rewards existing innovative organizations
+ Demonstrates trust in the citizenry

At the core of this program is our very own faith in ourselves to make the right choices and invest in ideas that are far
bigger than ourselves individually. On day 1 each citizen receives $500 to invest in one of 7 funds. These funds are
matched (by federal as well as potential corporate and private participants) at predetermined intervals over the next
15 years, using a table of percentages designed to favour Funds 4-7 over Funds 1-3.

Fund 1 - Cash Out (with penalties) for those who do not have confidence in America
Fund 2 - Certificates of Deposit for those who trust the banking system as is to get us out of this mess
Fund 3 - Indexed or principled common stock fund for those who want to reinvigorate Wall Street but with funds that
have national objectives, eg Global Climate Change, World Water, UN, Sustainability, Clean Energy, Local…
Fund 4 - Local Common Stock Fund for those who believe in the established companies based in their own
neighborhoods in partnership with companies such as ETrade
Fund 5 - Local / Regional REIT Fund for those who want to create a stabilizing force to land values in their own
Fund 6 - Local Business Fund for those who want to locally finance and manage local business prospects similar to a
Grameen bank style approach while using the old Washington Mutual as an advisory clearing house in conjunction with
the Small Business Administration
Fund 7 - Local Venture Fund for those who want to directly empower the ideas that are generated in their own
neighborhood in any sector, for profit or not. Once again the fund looks to the Grameen Bank for micro managing tips
but in collaboration with venture capital consortiums and college curriculum programs. (This is the favoured fund and
as such would be based on $750 investments instead of $500.)

Funds would be under complete transparency, not subject to tax, not subject to bequeathment, unused proceeds
transferred to the fund holders preselected non-profit organization.

The use of Washington Mutual is deliberate. It is to show the value in the core people of an organization and the
resources of the company irrespective of the questionable practices of its lead management. It is to demonstrate the
power of this Invest in America program in transforming old thinking into new possibilities.

Invest in America focuses on the capital / stock ownership concepts (vs debt instruments) because this concept has
evolved within the US to be a core component to American Idealism.

Again, this is a base framework to demonstrate what is possible when we begin to think outside the old tapes of
taxation, rebates and public works. Undoubtedly, there would be adjustments to this proposal, including consideration
of a larger initial investment (eg $1000 vs $500).

This is one of the current on-going projects of BaseCamp Solstice.
Additional details and presentation material for Invest in America can be found at my website:
www.BaseCampSolstice.info under the On The Horizon option.

Again, the intent here is to challenge ourselves to think with a broader perspective. Someone once said, "We are
better than this." Personally, I would like to start seeing the evidence confirming that statement. No doubt one can
look at this perhaps idealistic proposal and see problems/conflicts, but can one see the possibilities? I agree in what I
surmised from other comments I heard in recent months. If we want to get beyond the challenges of today, we need
to change our mindset. This win-win proposal presents numerous windows of opportunity to do exactly that.

Invest in America is about creating an amazing legacy for our kids. It also creates a tangible benefit to being a
registered citizen.

"There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why
not?" -Robert F. Kennedy